Can electric car home charge? How do electric cars charge at home?
Can electric car home charge? How do electric cars charge at home?

Can electric car home charge? How do electric cars charge at home?

People are worrying about electric car home charging problems. Actuakky, pure electric cars(Electric Vehicle) can be charged at home. If you do not install a charging pile at home, only 220 volts of common electricity is used. The charging speed is relatively slow. It takes 6 to 8 hours to fully charge the battery.

electric car home charge
To purchase a pure electric vehicle, you must first consider whether it is convenient to charge yourself. Even if you plan to install a charging pile, if it is a community, you must first ask whether the charging station is allowed to be installed in the residential area. Some residential areas are not allowed to install charging piles privately. Avoid buying the vehicle, because it can not install the charging pile, which brings unnecessary trouble. At present, several factors affecting the sales of pure electric vehicles can also be understood. Corresponding to their own situation, it is suitable to buy pure electric vehicles.

electric car home charge
The pure electric vehicle has a relatively short cruising range, and the charging station network coverage is not wide. This results in an electric vehicle, which is generally only suitable for use in an urban environment, and if it does not have an independent parking space and does not have a charging device installed, it is in an urban environment. Charging station charging is not very convenient and fast. Charging at home, charging time is too long. Secondly, the price of a replacement battery for a pure electric vehicle is very high, basically turning to half or more of the price of the car. Although there is a 6 to 8 year warranty period, after the expiration date, you will generally face a replacement battery. Pure electric vehicles are used in cold winter environments, and the cruising range is greatly shortened due to battery attenuation, and the attenuation is generally over 30%.

electric car home charge
If you buy an electric car, it is best to use a matching charging post, relying on household electric power to charge, if the car is stronger, it will affect the use of the car. If you don’t have a lot of cars, you can use tens of kilometers of commutes every day, and you have enough charging time. That would have no effect.


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